Biotech Studies 2015, Vol 24, Num, 1     (Pages: 065-074)

Investigating the Availability of GlutoPeak Parameters for Evaluation of Gluten Quality in Bread Wheat Breeding Programs


1 Geçit Kuşağı Tarımsal Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü - Gluten quality is one of the basic criteria in the evaluation of baking properties of flour. Determination of gluten quality with fast, easy and reproducible methods is great importance for wheat breeding programs. GlutoPeak parameters bring significant advantages in this respect. In this study, it was investigated the availability of GlutoPeak parameters in quality evaluation of material in breeding programs. For this purpose four basic flours supplied from market and crossing nursery material in bread wheat breeding program were evaluated in terms of GlutoPeak properties. As a result the analysis of market flour gluten maximum resistance (BEM), 15s after maximum peak (PM) and 15s before maximum peak (AM) parameters were thought to be quite useful for breeding programs. From these parameters especially BEM and PM parameters were found distinguishing between parents in crossing nursery. It is necessary detailed studies about AM parameter. In coming years after a more comprehensive assessment it is thought to use the promising parents in development of new high-quality wheat varieties for production of different purpose-flour. Keywords : Gluten, GlutoPeak, wheat, quality, flour, breeding